Пекин-Новосибирский семинар по геометрии и математической физике, 21 января, в 12-00

 Dear colleagues!
 We invite you to attend the following online seminar.  Clarification: The report will be divided into two parts. The first part of the report should be presented to A.I. Aptekarev. The second part of the report will be presented by S.Yu. Dobrokhotov in two weeks (4th February).

Seminar  «Beijing-Novosibirsk seminar on geometry and mathematical physics», 21st January, 17:00 Beijing time (12:00 Moscow time, 16:00 Novosibirsk time).
 Speaker: A.I. Aptekarev (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS).

Title: Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials with respect to Hermite weights: applications and asymptotics.


We start with the definition of the Hermite multiple orthogonal polynomials by means of orthogonality relations. Then we present several recent applications, such as eigenvalues distribution of random matrices ensembles with external field and Brownian bridges. The main goal of the talk will be the asymptotics of this polynomial sequence when the degree of the polynomial is growing in the scale corresponding to its variable (so called Plancherel – Rotach type asymptotics). The starting point for our asymptotical analysis is the recurrence relations for multiple orthogonal polynomials. We will present an approach based on the construction of decompositions of bases of homogeneous difference equations. Another approach, based on the semiclassical asymptotics in the case of complex-valued phases will be presented in S. Yu. Dobrokhotov’s talk.
To join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.com.cn/j/64056654799?pwd=TWpiUVZFVjQ1NzQ0azBNdjhBR2NkUT09

Meeting ID:640 5665 4799
The announcement has been published on the
With best regards, Maxim Shishlenin
Head of Laboratory of Inverse Problems in Natural Sciences
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia

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